Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Pics galore 2

Yay for pictures!

Peeko the Elf deep in thought during the slam.

Also at the slam. Left to right. California, Tomatoes,
Werefox Ninja, Barbecue Man, Sarah Palin, Alaska

Birthday cake time. Meta, Harp, Pygmy Dragon

Peeko giving me the "not in a gay way look."
Palin is busy doing photo acrobatics.

The Commodore did not like the camera.
Pygmy Dragon found this funny.

Evil Overlord to the left, Djinni to the right.
Mid pic, far away: Peeko's elven chariot.

Second take of this pic. Why?
Barbecue Man wanted to suck his gut in.
Which he proceeded to do. Ever so subtly.

The Commodore with her pet dragon.
Pygmy Dragon was not intimidated.

Evil Overlord with the bowl from
which we draw slips for our games.

On a path near the monastery, there is a representation
of the Via Dolorosa, with each station depicted like this.
An eerie place at night.

The night time walk crew. Palin, Meta, Alaska, Peeko.

Can you tell who has the biggest head?

Alaska, Peeko, Palin. Two posing, one just goofin' around

And . . . smile!

Yeah. Goofin' around.


  1. It is now official that your tongue likes to make appearances regardless of the company you are keeping at any given particular moment. Or of what continent it may be on.

  2. There has never been any doubt that this is so.
